Thursday, September 19, 2013

Post #6B

Another rough character idea. I felt like i should try a robotic character this time since the last two were humans. It should help with practicing different types of rigging and joints as well. And as always, there will be some definite changes along the way.
Here's my final animation for Project #1! There's definitely room for improvement, but this is just a sample of my animation skills for a humanoid character.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blogpost #4 Character Idea

A first draft of a female protagonist that may be included in the story of the last character post. She too, will most likely go through many changes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

#3 New idea for a Character

This is just a rough sketch of a character that i'd like to build at some point, with emphasis on rough. He will very much likely go through many edits to in order to fit a story that i've mulling piecing together. Updates on this guy to surely come along soon.
This is my "Almost" finished model. Just need to ask the Prof. how to mirror geometry without the problems ive been experiencing. updates within the hour i hope.